Slimboyfat " Proof the earth can be flat"
The Rebel. It says a lot about Slimboyfat, that he has attempted to support his opinions calmly and I apologise if my last post appeared a little insulting.
I do however find this thread fascinating partly because :-
A) as a former Jehovers Witness I am now angered and trying to understand my former stupidity and ignorance, and inability to not understand I was talking and believed utter noncence.
B) there is a growing social moverment that seem to believe the earth is flat.
Anyway my witness exsperience has taught me to try and think for myself and my conclusion is:-.
1) If the earth is flat I would have assumed we would have been able to have reached the edge?
2) Whilst I don't believe the earth is flat, I must confess I have not given thought to it being upside down, or maybe its simply inside out, so please look out for my new O.P "proof the earth is upside down, and inside out" :-)
The Rebel.